The following algorithms are implemented:
- Window
- Unwrap
- Fast Fourier Transform (FFT / IFFT) (wrapper around libfftw [])
- Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
- Filter and BandFilter (based on Scipy [] implementation):
- Band type
- LowPass
- HighPass
- BandPass
- BandStop
- Filter type
- Chebyshev I
- Chebyshev II
- Bessel
- Butterworth
- Band type
- Correlation / Autocorrelation
- Direct calculation
- FFT based calculation
- Resample (wrapper around libsamplerate [])
- Onset Detection Functions:
- High Frequency Content (HFC)
- Flux
- Phase Deviation
- Complex Domain
- Modified Kullback-Liebler
- Peak Center of Gravity
- Pitch Estimation:
- Autocorrelation Function based (ACF)
- Inverse Problem based
- Spectral Bands
- Mel bands
- Sinusoidal Modelling:
- Peak Detection
- Peak Interpolation
- Peak Tracking
- Spectral Whitening
- Spectral Noise Suppression
- Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
- Other experimental and/or unfinished algorithm implementations
- Spectral Reassignment
- Adaptative Optimized Kernel (AOK) (modification of AOK 4.1 [])
- Peak Synthesis
- Incremental Non-negative Matrix Factorization (INMF)
- LPC residual
Numerous examples which can also be used for testing in some cases can be found in python/ Some of the examples require an audio WAVE filename as input argument.
Loudia is Free Software licensed under GNU General Public License version 3 or later