Name addBezierTo ( )
None available
Description Use this method to add a new bezierTo command to the current subshape. This will add a cubic bezier from the last point added with the control and ending points passed as arguments.
addBezierTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, endx, endy);
cp1x   float, the x coordinate of the first control point of the bezier.
cp1y   float, the y coordinate of the first control point of the bezier.
cp2x   float, the x coordinate of the second control point of the bezier.
cp2y   float, the y coordinate of the second control point of the bezier.
endx   float, the x coordinate of the ending point of the bezier.
endy   float, the y coordinate of the ending point of the bezier.
Returns None
Usage Web & Application
Related addMoveTo ( )
addLineTo ( )
addQuadTo ( )
addSubshape ( )
setSubshape ( )